Community access
To support the costs involved in operating the four school buses which support community access, the P&C ask the parents to contribute by way of a voluntary contribution. Most students will use the bus each week. This can be paid in a lump sum of $80 for the year or $20 per term. The P&C will provide information at the beginning of the year, each term or semester.
School activities which may incur a cost:
When these activities are planned, you will receive information from the school including a note explaining the activity, permission form and information about the cost. Payment will be made at the time of the activity. Class teachers will discuss regular events that require a contribution with you early each term.
If you experience difficulty in paying these fees, please see the Principal or the Business Services Manager so that special arrangements can be made.
The Department of Education does not have Personal Accident Insurance cover for students.
Please note: the school does not have credit card or EFT facilities.
The school uses the Qkr! App available on the App Store