


Therapy services

Therapists focus on outcomes reflected in the student's Individual Support Plans and use their professional skills to help the student’s team for students to access the curriculum. Therefore, therapists working in an educational setting do not focus on the disability but rather on other areas such as the tasks the student is involved in at school, the school setting itself, and the impact of the student’s disability on their school day.

The type of service will vary according to the needs of the student and his or her educational program. It may include liaison with other services, teachers, families, informal and formal assessment, staff training, equipment prescription and/or programming.

Occupational therapist

The Occupational Therapist assists students to develop functional skills for everyday life including:

  • Student/work skills (e.g. organisation of self, handwriting and computer skills)
  • Activities of daily living (e.g.  eating, dressing, toileting, using community facilities)
  • Play, leisure and recreation (e.g. playground activities).


Physiotherapists contribute to a student’s education programs by:

  • Advising on seating and posture
  • Advising on mobility in the classroom and school grounds
  • Recommending changes to the school environment to allow maximum student       participation in school activities
  • Preventing or reducing disability through specialist techniques and support such as provision of specialised equipment
  • Providing training and consultation on risk management
  • Maximising students’ independence in the school setting to enhance their confidence
  • Adaptation of the student’s program or classroom setup.

Speech Language Pathologist

The Speech Language Pathologist provides a service to identified students within a transdisciplinary team by:

  • Direct services to students (diagnostic and review assessments, therapy support and advice to teachers, training in alternative and augmentative communication systems and aids)
  • Non-contact activities (therapy program planning, training and inservice for program implementation, resource development, parent interviews and ISP planning
  • Service management activities (networking, strategic planning, negotiating services)

The key student outcomes for speech-language therapy services are language, speech, voice, fluency and oromotor functioning. 

Last reviewed 09 April 2020
Last updated 09 April 2020